Rabbi Nosson Zvi Finkel, “Alter of Slabodka” 1849-1927 20×16″
Acrylic on canvas
Rabbi Nosson Zvi Finkel, also known as The Alter of Slabodka is most well known for his involvement in the Yeshiva world. While he established numerous Yeshivot in Lithuania and Poland, the most renown was the Slabodka Yeshiva. He stressed teaching mussar (ethics) in addition to Talmud. Extremely devoted, he gathered up students from far and wide to enable them to learn and become gedolim. He was truly a tzaddik and had an unusually intuitive connection with his students often seeing their potential before they themselves did. He was close with them and they called him “father”; Alter or Der Alter. He eventually founded what is now Yeshivas Chevron, still a prestigious institution. He passed away in Eretz Israel.