Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Kook, “Rav Kook” 1865-1935. 12×16 Acrylic on canvas.
Rabbi Abraham Isaac Kook, “Rav Kook” is nothing short of a giant in Judaism. Most
significant about him was his intense personal spirituality and his originality in thought.
He engrossed himself in Torah and Talmud learning and was an expert in both
Halacha and Kabbalah. He was devoted to traditional Jewish Orthodoxy, but embraced
the modern world as well. After humble beginnings as a Rabbi, he later became the first
Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem and opened a yeshiva there as well. His teachings
remain prominent for Jews all over the world. For exceptional further reading consult:
Rav Kook: Mystic in a Time of Revolution by Yehudah Mirsky.
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