
Elie Wiesel 1928-2016 18×18″ Oil on canvas

Moritz “Moshe” Wolkenfeld 1908-1945 36×24″ Oil on canvas

Self Portrait 12×9.5″ oil on panel, 2019

Dr A. Clevs 14x11" oil on canvas, 2019 commission
Rabbi Portrait Series
About the series
This series began with the idea to paint a whimsical pop art Rabbi Soloveitchik to give to my Rabbi, and then it took on a life of its own. I am extremely passionate about Judaism: it is my home and my heart. I have an insatiable need for Jewish learning of all types and have an ever-growing collection of Jewish books. I have spent an enormous amount of time with each of these men, who are religious and intellectual giants in Judaism. I grow to learn about them through their words and through stories about their lives, and I fall in love with them. Simply put, these works are an expression of that love. I hope you enjoy them.

Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan: the Chofetz Chaim. 1839-1933 20x16" Oil on canvas

Rav Soloveitchik Oil on canvas

Rabbi Josef Rosen, “The Rogatchover Gaon” 1858-1936. 20x16" Acrylic on canvas

Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Kook, “Rav Kook” 1865-1935. 16x12" Acrylic on canvas

Rabbi Nosson Zvi Finkel, “Alter of Slabodka” 1849-1927. 20x16" Acrylic on canvas

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, 1895-1986. 20x16" Acrylic on canvas

Rabbi Aharon Kotler, 1891–1962. 20x16" Acrylic on canvas

Rabbi Israel Meir Kagan, “Chofetz Chaim” 1839-1933. 20x16" Acrylic on canvas. Original Art

Rabbi Naftali Zvi Yehuda Berlin, “The Netziv” 1816-1893. 20x16" Acrylic on canvas

Rabbi Abraham Yitzhak Kook, “Rav Kook” 1865-1935. 14x9" Oil on board

Rabbi Moshe Feinstein, 1895-1986. 20x16" Oil on canvas
Commissioned Paintings

Portrait of Dr. Moshe Amital, zt”l (1928-2020)

Portrait of Dr. A. Clevs

Portrait of the Rabbi Moshe Isserles, “The REMA”